Monday Motivation 6/1

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June 1, 2020: You


Have you ever known or met someone that is so authentically, uniquely, and confidently themself that it is almost inspiring? You know the kind of person I am talking about - the person who is totally unashamed of who they are and lives their best life without care of how society might judge them. I think these people really have life figured out and there is a lot we can learn from them.

A few hours ago I got off of a Zoom Album Release Party for one of my friends who just wrote and released his second album. Essentially he got a small group of around 15 people together to listen to his album and give him feedback. It was a really fun experience! The thing that really got to me though was my friend’s unwavering confidence in himself. I think a lot of people don’t do things because they are afraid of what others might think \\or say, but my friend is living proof that you don’t need others’ approval to be happy and confident in yourself. Granted, I think his album is great, but he had no idea what we were going to say entering that Zoom call - we could have all hated it for all he knew. 

His album is the second volume of what he is calling his College Transition Journal. Essentially all the songs are about personal lessons and realizations that he has had during his transition to college - it is really unique and also really cool! (If you want to check it out click here: AppleMusic, Spotify) But instead of waiting in fear to hear what people think of it - he just went straight to the source and asked his closest friends for their honest feedback - he wasn’t scared that people might not like it; he was confident in what he created and nothing was going to change that. I honestly think that even if we all said it was terrible, he would’ve taken it as a learning experience and would have proceeded in life with a happy eagerness to do better in his next album. That is something I think we can all learn from. 

So that is my challenge to you this week: be authentically you! When I went off to college I was really worried about how I was gonna make friends and find people that I liked hanging out with. The only solution I could come up with was to just be my unique self and hopefully I would naturally end up with the right people - and boy did it work! By simply being myself I quickly found a community that is unlike anything I have ever known before and feel incredibly blessed. I think a lot of people are fearful that they don’t fit the mold society wants them to fit into, but I also think that the truly happy people in this world have realized that the only molds that exist are one’s we create for ourselves - so they forget about all these pressures and just be themselves. 

Stay Motivated,

This Week's Inspiring News

Girl Donates Over 1,500 Art Kits To Underprivileged Kids

10 year old Chelsea Phaire of Danbury, Connecticut started Chelsea’s Charity on her birthday in August of 2019. Instead of asking her friends to bring gifts to her party, she asked them to bring art supplies that she could donate. Since then Chelsea launched a website and has been able to collect donations for over 1,500 art kits. After a traumatic experience when she was younger, art became a form of therapy for Chelsea. She since has tried to spread her love for art and its therapeutic benefits by distributing these kits to homeless shelters and foster kids. (Click here to go to Chelsea’s Charity website)

(Click here to read the full story)

13 Year Old Earns 4 College Degrees

At just 13 years old, Jack Rico of Fullerton, California has become the youngest graduate to ever graduate from Fullerton College. After struggling with some of the public school curriculum he was being taught, his parents thought it might be best to homeschool him - turns out the problem wasn’t that the curriculum was too hard, but rather too easy. Jack’s parents knew he was gifted after he learned all the US Presidents and Vice Presidents by the age of four, and at eleven Jack’s mom literally ran out of things to teach him - that is when they enrolled him in college. At just 13 Jack will be earning associate's degrees in history, art and human expression, social behavior and social science.

(Click here to read the full story)

Quote Of The Week

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” - Marilyn Monroe
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