Monday Motivation 5/4

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May 4, 2020: Creativity


Right now it might seem like the world is falling apart. Lots of the things we did as a part of daily life are now being avoided because of extreme safety measures. The world normally feels like it is going a million miles an hour, but recently it has felt like everything has just kind of stopped. We are living in unprecedented times and the future is looking very uncertain; as people look towards the future a lot is up in the air. This past week I got some news about a few different groups I am involved in and how we will be progressing forward into this unknown future. So I thought about how I wanted to approach these new and changing times, and I had an idea.

I have some friends who every year choose a “word of the year.” This is a word they decide on at the beginning of the year that they want to define their year. Some examples of this would be “discipline,” “productivity,” “exercise,” etc. So although I am about 5 months late to the party, I decided that I would call this year, “The year of creativity.”

With all that is going on, I think the only way we are going to make it through, while also keeping our sanity, is by being creative. If you really think about it, all of humanity has been given an unprecedented opportunity to be incredibly creative.

So many people have taken up new hobbies - the number of quality home chefs and bakers is going to triple by the end of this. Personally, I taught myself how to knit! (You can watch that here.) There are so many creative ways to make the best of this situation. Just because certain things can’t happen as they used to, it doesn’t mean there isn’t an equally great replacement.  I mean, think of all the drive-by birthday parties, zoom weddings, TV concerts, and other things of that nature that you have heard of recently. Humanity’s creative side is really starting to show.

So that is my challenge to you this week (and this year): be creative! We might not know what the world has in store for us, and for some of us that might be scary. But I think with the right attitude and some creative thinking we will all make it through. And not only just make it through, but thrive. So instead of sitting and waiting, we need to take advantage of this time and make the absolute best of it!

Stay Motivated,

This Week's Inspiring News

Girl Communicates With Neighbors By Using Sticky Notes

A college-aged girl in NYC got creative and decided to spell “Hi” in her apartment window with sticky notes, hoping to make some new friends. To her delight she soon started a full conversation with an elderly couple in the neighboring apartment building - all by spelling things in their windows with sticky notes.

(Click here to read the full story)

Swedish Couple Opens Extreme Social Distancing Restaurant

A Swedish couple recently opened a restaurant called “Bord För En,” which translates to “Table for 1.” And, as you might’ve guessed, will only serve one person a day. The restaurant consists of a table with a single place setting in the middle of a pasture. Food is delivered from the couple’s kitchen via a basket on a pulley system. It doesn’t get much more creative than that...

(Click here to read the full story)

Quote Of The Week

"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try” - Dr. Seuss
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