Monday Motivation 11/23

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November 23, 2020: Prepare for break

Prepare for break

I don't know about you, but at least for me, I feel like I have been going non-stop for a really long time. Due to COVID all of the normal long weekends and breaks throughout this semester were canceled. So I am incredibly excited for Thanksgiving break to start on Wednesday. But as I think about this time off, I have also been thinking about the importance of preparing for this break in an intentional way.

Even though this next week is officially "Thanksgiving break" according to my university, that doesn't necessarily ensure that it will truly be a "break" for me. What I mean by this is that if I don't prepare well for this upcoming week, I could still have a lot of work to do despite the fact that I don't have class. Lots of my classes have large projects or other assignments due quickly after we come back from Thanksgiving, so if I want to truly enjoy my time off it is important that I get these assignments done early or make strategic plans to do them after the break if possible.

At the end of the day, just because the calendar says I have a break from going to class, that doesn't mean that these few days will automatically be a restful or restorative break for me. No matter what your holiday break situation looks like, maybe it is a break from school or work or whatever else, it is important to make a conscious effort to prepare for this time off and make sure you can make the best of this down time. If we don't make any sort of effort to intentionally guard this break from intruding work it will be easy for us to let things pop up or push into this time that is supposed to be restful.

So that is my challenge for you this week: prepare for your break. I'm not sure what your holiday break situation looks like. Maybe you have several days off, or maybe you don't actually have a real break until Christmas or New Years; whatever the case may be for you, make sure to prepare well ahead of time and make an effort to protect your break time so that you can truly enjoy it. This might mean a little more work right now or a little more strategy involved in planning your work after this holiday, but I can guarantee that it'll all be worth it if it means that your break can be a true, restful "break."

Photo Of The Week

This is totally random, but as I was thinking about what I wrote above and looking through my photos, I stumbled upon this photo of an air dancer. And this might be a stretch but I think it perfectly applies to this week's topic. I don't know why, but for some reason I always think air dancers like the one below as the epitome of care-free living. They just blow in the wind and look like they're always having a great time. So as you prepare for you break think about air dancers like the one below and try to set yourself up in a way that you can live like an air dancer during break - not a care in the world and just going with the flow where the wind takes you.

Quote Of The Week

“Rest and be thankful” - William Wordsworth
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