Ok, I’m going to be honest, I hate grocery shopping. I don’t actually dislike the act of shopping in the store, in fact I kind of like it, but what I dislike is having to make a list, go to the store, and then unload the groceries into my apartment. It just really feels like a chore. But at the same time, knowing that you have a stocked pantry is an incredible feeling. I was really thinking about this today as I was trying to force myself to go to the store, and thought about how there are some things that we don’t want to do even if they are inherently good for us.
My normal grocery routine goes like this:
- Buy groceries for a week
- Stretch those groceries to last a week and a half
- Not want to go to the grocery store
- Scavenge my own fridge/pantry to try to feed myself somewhat decent meals for another week
- Realize I’m spending too much money eating out because I don’t have food at home
- Force myself to go to the store
- Repeat
The interesting part of this cycle, I think, is that every time after I get groceries, I feel great about it! I know that might seem unsurprising, but I think it is interesting how much of an effort it takes me to go to the grocery store even when I know the outcome is going to make me feel really good and productive (not to mention it also benefits my personal health and the health of my bank account because I cook more healthy food rather than spending money on whatever is easiest).
I know grocery shopping might be a silly example, but think this principle applies to lots of different things in life. There are a lot of things in life that, although they are good for us, can be hard to motivate ourselves to do. This can range anywhere from not getting gas until your car is on fumes to not exercising when you planned to.
So that is my challenge to you this week: stop procrastinating something that is good for you. For me this week, that meant going to the grocery store. For you it might mean finally getting the check engine light in your car checked out or actually scheduling that dentist appointment that you’ve been putting off forever. Whatever it may be, I know there is probably something in your life that you are putting off because it just feels like a chore, even though you know it will be good for you. So go do that thing and revel in how good you feel after it’s completed.
Stay Motivated,