Life is a wild thing. I mean, who could’ve predicted that there’d be a huge pandemic that would literally shut down the entire world? I know lots of places are starting to slowly reopen, but I still think it’ll be a while before we return to any sort of normalcy. As I was thinking about life after this pandemic is over I had an interesting thought. I’ve heard lots of people say something along the lines of, “I just want things to go back to normal.” Although I understand the sentiment, I think it is important to reflect on some of the positive things that will hopefully come out of this. So, instead of hoping for a reversion back to how things used to be, I hope we can all continue forward and build upon some of these positives.
For instance, this pandemic has really taught me to cherish time. The saying “who knows what could happen,” has really had an elevated meaning recently. I never thought of a worldwide pandemic as something that even existed in the realm of possibilities. I thought plagues were a thing that modern medicine had relegated to the history books. So now, when I’m thinking about whether or not to go hang out with friends, or do this, or do that, I really take a moment and think. Things are way, way less guaranteed than I ever realized. So one of my hopes is that, coming out of this pandemic, I will value my time with people more, and live more in the moment.
But there are so many other things that we can learn from these times as well. I can only speak from my own experiences, but I hope you can take a little time and also think of some positives that might come out of this. For me, another positive is that I got to spend a long stretch of time with my family - family is a really big thing for me and I’m grateful to have had this time with them. I also finally had some time to start this newsletter - something I pray will continue to grow well into the future. Whatever you feel like you have learned, I hope you don’t forget these lessons when the world starts to come out of this craziness. It is my prayer that through this we can all have more appreciation and a better attitude towards life.
So, that is my challenge to you this week: think about what COVID has taught you. It could be anything, from learning to chase your dreams or learning you like a new type of tea, but whatever you have learned, I hope you implement that lesson into your life for years to come. COVID has brought lots of bad things and chaos, but if we let it, it can also bring us many positive lessons that we can carry with us into the future.
Stay Motivated,